Belief is a task-oriented passion.
They use their time, money, and energy for
righteousness living.
I give no guarantees about the success of these moments of passion . Success depends on the invitee, the situation, the timing, etc. However, every moment of passion in front of bystanders is an invitation for the bystanders to support you. The support probably won’t come immediately, but it probably wouldn’t come at all without an invitation.
Sincerity is necessary for any moment of passion to be effective. Insincerity could create backlash.
Belief Time Passions
Learning about the Belief
Meeting regularly with other Believers
Making plans to for spreading their Belief
Time Moments Of Passion
Ask how they got involved with their Belief.
Show respect for their need to belong to a Belief.
Accommodate their Belief schedule.
Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.
Belief Money Passions
Paying for memberships in Belief organizations
Donating money to Belief causes
Buying symbols of their Belief
Money Moments Of Passion
Donate money through a fundraiser, such as a bake sale.
Suggest new ways to fundraise for their Belief.
Admire something about the symbols of their belief.
Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.
Belief Energy Passions
Recruiting others to their Belief
Defending their Belief
Connecting with other Believers from different areas
Energy Moments Of Passion
Introduce them to other Believers.
Ask about a Belief event they attended.
Ask what belonging to their Belief does for them personally.
Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.
What They Want To Hear
“I see your belief is important to you.”
© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
All rights reserved.