September 1, 2024

Show them how others could create failure for them.


Remedy Revenge

Ending toxic words


On LinkedIn, a man wrote a post that was a lie. I commented with evidence of the truth. He started insulting me.

I continued the exchange long enough for him to insult me several times. I told him I had drawn the exchange out so other people could see him repeatedly using insults.

I then posted a paragraph about the No Asshole Rule. I included resources showing how LinkedIn readers could see him as an asshole to avoid rather than a professional to connect with. He deleted his original post and all of his insults.

The word ‘jerk’ has become more common than ‘asshole’ in recent years.

Same backlash.


“Company Culture Isn’t Complicated: It Starts With A ‘No Jerks’ Policy”
Mike Vitek
February 27, 2024

“Please Help Me Update! Places and People That Use The No Asshole Rule”
Bob Sutton
Work Matters


© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
All rights reserved.