Career Advancement Up / Career Backlash Down

(Loyalty Up / Stereotypes Down)

Under revision to better explain your benefits

Would you like to break the stereotypes that limit your career / business?

Would you like the support you need for advancing your career / business?

Glass ceilings are the backlash of stereotypes. Knowing how to invite loyalty can limit stereotypes and bring you support for advancing your career.

Would you like strategies for protecting yourself from workplace violence?

3 different beliefs about circumstances in the workplace can create the anger that leads to workplace violence. When you hear a coworker speak one or more of the beliefs, you can write an action plan to invite loyalty and reduce the anger.

Short & sweet course video time: 64 minutes. Course includes forms to help you identify the people in your life according to their High DISC behavior style and First Spranger guiding value. Those lists will help you write invitation plans for inviting loyalty, limiting backlash, and reducing workplace violence. Video time plus your time writing the lists determines the length of the course for you.

No quizzes!


Don’t Be Foodish! Podcast
A conversation with Paula M. Kramer
and how she recovered from Binge Eating Disorder
February 16, 2024
Paula ended 25 years of binge eating by satisfying
behavior style needs and and guiding value passions.


Negative Stereotypes Behind Bad & Ugly Gossip: Workplaces

This course also explains the importance of bystanders with real world examples of bystander actions.

After you finish the course you will have lifetime access to short & sweet moments of dignity & moments of passion.

DISC behavior style backlash bewares, 18 not to dos

DISC behavior style benefit behaviors, 18 strategies

DISC behavior style moments of dignity for with you invites, 54 invites

Spranger guiding value backlash bewares, 18 not to dos

Spranger guiding value benefit behaviors, 18 strategies

Spranger guiding value moments of passion for with you invites, 54 invites

Real world examples of backlash bewares for individual DISC behavior styles and Spranger guiding values.


Paula M. Kramer does not promise that all of the strategies will work all of the time.

The individual, the situation, and other people involved could influence
the effectiveness of any individual strategy.

However, any strategy you take is a loyalty invitation to bystanders.

Every loyalty invitation positions you
to attract unimagined success.

Unimagined success comes from the people in your life.
The unimagined success you attract depends on
the success people in your life can create for you.


If a video doesn’t play,
return to the previous video then try again.

After each video ends, scroll down to see the buttons
for the next part of the course,
either another lesson or a form to fill in.

PDF files of the forms are available for you
to download for later use.


Paula’s videos have a few glitches.
She left them in place so you can get used to this truth

© Paula M. Kramer, 2024
All rights reserved.
Updated May 13, 2024.

Course Lessons

  • #1 Loyalty / Paula’s Background & Research
  • #2 Loyalty / Moments Of Satisfaction
  • #3 Loyalty / 3 Groups Of People
  • #4 Loyalty / Glass Ceilings In Workplaces
  • #5 Loyalty / Violence In The Workplace
  • #6 Loyalty / DISC Behavior Styles: Natural & Adapted Behaviors
  • #7 Loyalty / High D Dominance: Clues & Invites
  • #8 Loyalty / High D Dominance: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #9 Loyalty / High I Influence: Clues & Invites
  • #10 Loyalty / High I Influence: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #11 Loyalty / High S Steadiness: Clues & Invites
  • #12 Loyalty / High S Steadiness: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #13 Loyalty High C Conscientiousness: Clues & Invites
  • #14 Loyalty / High C Conscientiousness: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #15 Loyalty / Spranger Guiding Values
  • #16 Loyalty / Knowledge Guiding Value: Clues & Invites
  • #17 Loyalty / Knowledge Guiding Value: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #18 Loyalty / Usefulness Guiding Value: Clues & Invites
  • #19 Loyalty / Usefulness Guiding Value: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #20 Loyalty / Harmony Guiding Value: Clues & Invites
  • #21 Loyalty / Harmony Guiding Value: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #22 Loyalty / Belief Guiding Value: Clues & Invites
  • #23 Loyalty / Belief Guiding Value: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #24 Loyalty / Helping Guiding Value: Clues & Invites
  • #25 Loyalty / Helping Guiding Value: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #26 Loyalty / Position Guiding Value: Clues & Invites
  • #27 Loyalty / Position Guiding Value: Natural Behavior, Benefit Behavior, Backlash Behavior, & Backlash Beware Story
  • #28 Loyalty / Inviting Loyalty
  • #29 Loyalty / Invitation Plan For Loyalty
  • #30 Loyalty / Invitation Plan For Preventing Violence
  • #31 Loyalty / Congratulations!

Price: $99

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