Collaboration Up / Toxic Gossip Down

(Rewards Up / Losses Down)

Under revision to better explain your benefits


Would you like your employees to support each other and work together?

Would you like your employees to bring out the best in each other for greater productivity?


Would you like to limit or end the toxic words that fill your workplace?

Would you like other people to stand up for you when you are the target of bad and ugly gossip?


Short & sweet course video time: 44 minutes. Course includes story forms for understanding your workplace situations. Video time plus your time filling in the story forms determines the length of the course for you.

Your stories are for you. No one else will read them. You can use your stories to explain your decisions about relationships. If you don’t have a story for a particular video lesson, just put None in each text box.

This course also explains the importance of bystanders with real world examples of bystander actions.

After you finish the course, you will have lifetime access to simple & effective strategies.

Encouraging good gossip with real world examples, 8 strategies
(1 strategy can be effective for Remedy Revenge)

Discouraging bad gossip with real world examples, 7 strategies
(6 strategies can be effective for Remedy Revenge)

Short-circuiting gossip with real world examples, 7 strategies
(6 strategies can be effective for Remedy Revenge)

Connecting gossip cells with real world examples, 4 strategies

Gossip ears networking with real world examples, 7 “listen for” strategies and 1 “chat for” strategy

No quizzes!


Using soft skill strategies proves to bystanders that you have social competence, one of the 2 core competencies core competencies of emotional intelligence.

Sign up for the short & sweet course that gives you simple & effective strategies!


Paula M. Kramer does not promise that all of the strategies will work all of the time.
The individual, the situation, and other people involved could influence
the effectiveness of any individual strategy.
However, any strategy you take is a loyalty invitation to bystanders.
Every loyalty invitation positions you
to attract unimagined success.
Unimagined success comes from the people in your life.
The unimagined success you attract depends on
the success people in your life can create for you.


If a video doesn’t play,
return to the previous video then try again.

After each video ends, scroll down to see the buttons
for the next part of the course,
either another lesson or a form to fill in.

PDF files of the forms are available for you
to download for later use.


Paula’s videos have a few glitches.
She left them in place so you can get used to this truth.

© Paula M. Kramer, 2024
All rights reserved.
Updated May 13, 2024.

Course Lessons

  • #1 Gossip / Paula’s Gossip Background & Research
  • #2 Gossip / Good Gossip Characteristic #1
  • #3 Gossip / Bad Gossip Characteristic #1
  • #4 Gossip / Ugly Gossip Characteristic #1
  • #5 Gossip / Good Gossip Characteristic #2
  • #6 Gossip / Bad Gossip Characteristic #2
  • #7 Gossip / Ugly Gossip Characteristic #2
  • #8 Gossip / Good Gossip Characteristic #7
  • #9 Gossip / Bad Gossip Characteristic #7
  • #10 Gossip / Ugly Gossip Characteristic #7
  • #11 Gossip / Good Gossip Characteristics #8
  • #12 Gossip / Bad Gossip Characteristic #8
  • #13 Gossip / Ugly Gossip Characteristic #8
  • #14 Gossip / Gossip Cells Research & Examples
  • #15 Gossip / Social Gossip Cells
  • #16 Gossip / Task Gossip Cells
  • #17 Gossip / Gossip Cells Using Bad Gossip
  • #18 Gossip / Gossip Cells Using Ugly Gossip
  • #19 Gossip / Gossip Ears Networking
  • #20 Gossip / Good Gossip Ears Networking
  • #21 Gossip / Bad Gossip Ears Networking
  • #22 Gossip / Ugly Gossip Ears Networking
  • #23 Gossip / Gossip Ears Networking For Catalysts
  • #24 Gossip / 3 Sieves
  • #25 Gossip / Testimony For Truth
  • #26 Gossip / Congratulations!

Price: $99

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