Paula’s inspirational journey defied stereotypes and shattered glass ceilings. Despite facing challenges as a woman, a disabled individual, and a single mother, she triumphed. Her achievements—an international speaker at 50, a bestselling author at 70, and a TV producer at 71—embody resilience and determination.

Understanding and challenging stereotypes is key. Paula’s story illustrates how age, gender, and circumstances need not limit success. While breaking every barrier may be impossible, recognizing and challenging stereotypes within our control fosters personal growth.

Paula’s journey empowers others to defy societal norms and strive for greatness. Follow her examples and celebrate your own perseverance, resilience, and triumph over limitations. Learn soft skill power strategies for taking positive control in situations and relationships so you can position yourself to attract unimagined success.

For Businesses & Individuals,
Civility In The Workplace Increases Success

Business is about relationships between management and employees, between employees, and between employees and customers.

Civility in all relationships increases profits and invites loyalty.

Incivility in any relationship decreases profits and invites backlash.


Senior Executives Leading
With Civility

Research reveals that leader-led civility in the workplace creates more success for the business for employees, and for customers.


Departmental Coworkers Collaborating
With Civility

Civil connections between coworkers as well as between managers and staff prevent work stress and burnout.

People with civil connections outside of the workplace are more likely to be top performers.

(Hint: When hiring, ask about involvement in community social circles.)

Project Teams Coming Together
With Civility

Civility between team members can enhance team effectiveness. Teams including both senior and junior members deliver good long-term results when they have positive relationships with each other.

Include that senior / junior mix when following dream team formulas.


Real World Examples
If You Don’t Have Any Of Your Own

Incivility Up / Profits Down

Civility Up / Losses Down

Incivility Up / Business Death By 1000 Cuts: Mail Order

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