Category Archives: Power Skills Masterminds
Positive Control Masterminds
Positive Control In The Small Spaces
Of Situations
Accessibility Needs
Rita Ebel combined her grandma wisdom with her grandma playfulness and removed barriers to her wheelchair.
“German grandma builds wheelchair ramps from Lego”
February 19, 2020
Customer Needs
Late 1800s in Portage County, Wisconsin
Portage County is in the center of the state
“Earl Lea, town clerk of Lanark, recalls ‘Nate’ Howard (‘a heavy bearded man’) who one day got to talk about life in southern Wisconsin before moving to Portage County. In his youth he had once carried a sack of corn over a considerable distance to a grist mill and when he arrived at the mill the owner laughed at him and said ‘he’d be damned if he’d start up his mill for a little sack of corn.’ Howard swore that if he ever had a mill of his own he would take in any amount of grain to be ground. And he did.”
Our County Our Story: Portage County Wisconsin
Malcolm Rosholt
1959, page 323.
“A woman got tired of her mail getting stolen. She sent herself an Apple AirTag to help catch the thieves”
August 25, 2024
When the AirTag mail was stolen, the Positive Control Mastermind reported the theft to the sheriff’s office. Deputies tracked down the AirTag, finding the Mastermind’s stolen mail along with other stolen mail.
The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s department called the Positive Control Mastermind’s action a “proactive solution.”
An older woman received a call from a scammer who proclaimed he had all of her passwords. She informed the scammer that she needed to get a pen and paper.
“Now what are they?”
Positive Control In The Small Spaces
Of Relationships
Game Show Mistakes
Wheel of Fortune game show host Pat Sajak retired after 40 years. He spent those entire 40 years masterminding positive control for the sake of his contestants. Sajak told his daughter how he took positive control to make different contestants fell better when they made mistakes:
“Some you joke with, some you playfully yell at, some you have to hug and get them through it. ”
“Thanks For The Memories”
Emily Aslanian
TV Guide Magazine
June 3-23, 2024, page 6.
Generational Gaps
Creating connections grandmothers and teenage girls so the girls recognize their own power.
“71-Year-Old Black Health Educator Launches Harriet Tubman-Inspired TV Show to Empower Girls”
Black News
August 20, 2024
© Paula M. Kramer, 2024
All rights reserved.
Positive Control In The Small Spaces Of Situations Accessibility Needs Rita Ebel combined her grandma wisdom with her grandma playfulness and removed barriers to her wheelchair.