Category Archives: Strategies For Your Career


Strategies For Your Career: Workplace Coach Blog By Lynne Curry

Lynne Curry’s provides in-depth strategies for handling workplace challenges we all face. Lynne also writes a second “Writing from the Cabin” from her “real life writing” site,

Some blog posts appear in more than one category.

Posts are listed in chronological order within each category.

The accountability category is Lynne Curry’s focus. Accountability is not in any of the course lessons.

The accountability posts I include are related to the content of my courses. All of the other categories below are from course lessons.

I add new Lynne Curry posts when they fit my course lessons and content.



You Didn’t Tell; the Truth Before; Start
December 1, 2021

It Isn’t the Pay; It’s What You Won’t Fix
April 5, 2022

A hotbed of conflict: the breakroom sagas & a surprise ending
August 22, 2023

My Promotion Vanished
September 7, 2023

Is the problem your name, Karen, or is it you?
January 3, 2024


Backlash Bewares

The Competent Jerk: Managing a Top Performer Who Alienates His Coworkers
May 11, 2021

“Noncompete Agreements: I signed one; can I break it?
May 9, 2023



3 Strategies for Turning the Tables On a Bully
October 29, 2021

2 Funny Stories for Turning the Tables on Bullies
November 1, 2021

5 Statements Never to Make to a Bully
May 2, 2022

The Out-of-Control Employee Bully
March 19, 2024



The Competent Jerk: Managing a Top Performer Who Alienates His Coworkers
May 11, 2021

I’m Smarter Than My Boss: I Threaten Her
May 23, 2023


Discouraging Bad Gossip

Political Discussions in the Workplace: Strategies for Handling What’s Coming
May 30, 2023


Encouraging Good Gossip

Low Morale? Employees Lost Heart & Disengaged? Here’s How to Fix That with Team Building That Goes Beyond Rah-Rah to Real.
June 27, 2023


Gossip Ears Networking

The Competent Jerk: Managing a Top Performer Who Alienates His Coworkers
May 11, 2021

How Not to Hire a Narcissist
May 13, 2021

Telling Your Bosses They’re the Reason Employees Quit
December 29, 2021

Social Media Searches Save Employees From Ugly Surprises
January 25, 2022

Betrayed by a Cutthroat Coworker; How Do I Make a Comeback?
July 21, 2022

Working for an Alcoholic Boss & Expecting to Be Fired Tomorrow
August 5, 2022

My Promotion Vanished
September 7, 2023

Tough Interview ?s: Don’t Torpedo Your Job Chances with Your Answer to “Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?”
February 20, 2024


Inviting Loyalty

The Ex-employee Bandit
July 4, 2023

Failing Grade in Office Politics
December 19, 2023

The Out-of-Control Employee Bully
March 19, 2024

Do Employers Need to Come to Grips with Employee’s Mental Health Struggles
April 2, 2024
(Bad link. Will update when fixed.)


Short-Circuiting Ugly Gossip

Political Discussions in the Workplace: Strategies for Handling What’s Coming
May 30, 2023


Strategies For Your Self

The Past Hangs On: the baggage that compromises your career/life
April 29, 2021

After What He Did… Who Could Blame Me?
July 5, 2021

You Love Being Your Own Boss: Tips for Finding Higher Quality, Better Paying Freelance Work
July 16, 2021

What you can do today & every day.
July 24, 2021

Are You a Bully Magnet?
July 28, 2021

7 Strategies That Nuke Energy Vampires & Judgmental Critics
August 23, 2021

Pay Attention to Internal Warning Signals & Red Flags
March 7, 2022

Toxic Boss: 5 Proven Strategies for Surviving the Negative, Controlling, Toxic Boss
March 7, 2023

Recovering from Quiet Quitting: Don’t let your career dreams die
April 26, 2023

Work Junky? Unable to Disconnect on Vacation?
June 13, 2023

Left Behind: Everyone else is light years ahead of me
July 11, 2023

Rage Applying: An Act of Revenge Against A Problem Employer
July 18, 2023

Fired for Not Smiling—This is Not  Joke
August 1, 2023

We Do the Same Job; He Gets Paid a LOT More
August 15, 2023

Should I Accept a Promotion Without a Raise?  : Is My Employer Kidding By Expecting Me to Say “Yes”?
August 29, 2023

How to Turn Down a Job Offer—and should you? 6 questions to ask.
September 5, 2023

Last Man Standing
September 15, 2023

My Boss Made Me The Oddest Offer
September 23, 2023

Choosing Yourself: When it’s time to take a breather
September 26, 2023

Give Yourself A Career Christmas Gift and Start the New Year Off Right
December 26, 2023

Reputation Damage Blindsided Me, Torpedoed My Job Prospects
April 9, 2024

Burnout? 4 Keys to Taking Your Life Back
May 7, 2024

Take positive control in the small spaces of a situation.


Testimony For Truth

Operations Manager Rules By Intimidation
April 1, 2021

The Competent Jerk: Managing a Top Performer Who Alienates His Coworkers
May 11, 2021

Absentee Manager Leaves Employees Hanging
May 17, 2021

When the Workplace Sniper Won’t Let Up
June 28, 2021

Attacked by a Workplace Cyberbully: Actions to Take ASAP
July 15, 2021

Documentation That Makes the Case The Employee Deserved to be Fired
August 3, 2021

Office Politics 201: Let Go of What You Can’t Control & Guard Your Heart
December 16, 2021

Former Employee Now Supervises Me; Rules Commander Style
December 22, 2021

Telling Your Bosses They’re the Reason Employees Quit
December 29, 2021

Are Remote Employees Second-class Citizens?
February 22, 2022

When A  Toxic Leader Destroys Your Organization: You Have 1 Chance
June 21, 2022

Betrayed by a Cutthroat Coworker; How Do I Make a Comeback?
July 21, 2022

Senior Manager Came On to Me and Now I Fear Being Fired
August 22, 2022

The Signs of Potential Disaster Were Present at Walmart—Are They Present at Your Workplace?
December 6, 2022

Clues Your Manager Is Threatened By You & What To Do When This Happens
February 28, 2023

Toxic Boss: 5 Proven Strategies for Surviving the Negative, Controlling, Toxic Boss
March 7, 2023

High-horse Manager Critiques Me for Being Twice-divorced
March 14, 2023

How to Get Your Boss Fired (& Maybe Even Set Him Up)
March 21, 2023

When Leaders & Managers Don’t Believe They Need to Change Their Ways—How You Can Get Through to Them
May 2, 2023

Gaslighting in the Workplace: Danger for the Unwary
November 28, 2023

Ghosted in the Workplace
February 27, 2024


© Paula M. Kramer, 2023
All rights reserved.
Updated June 17, 2024.

Lynne Curry’s provides in-depth strategies for handling workplace challenges we all face. Lynne also writes a second “Writing from the Cabin” from her “real life writing” site, Some blog posts appear in more than one category. Posts are listed in chronological order within each category. The accountability category is Lynne Curry’s focus. Accountability is not in any of the course lessons. The accountability posts I include are related to the content of my courses.

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