Career Advancement Up / Career Backlash Down
(Loyalty Up / Stereotypes Down)
Take positive control in the small spaces of relationships and position yourself to attract unimagined success . When you understand DISC behavior styles and Spranger guiding values, you can understand every relationship in your life. Choose a business partner or romantic partner after you understand how their guiding values influence their decisions. This will reduce the chances of a painful breakup. Advance your career by inviting loyalty to break the stereotypes that lead to backlash and glass ceilings. Glass ceilings exist for all women, men of color, sensitive men, workers who are the ‘wrong’ age, people with the ‘wrong’ upbringing, etc.
Testimonials For Positive Control In Relationships
Collaboration Up / Toxic Gossip Down
(Rewards Up / Losses Down)
Take positive control in the small spaces of situations and position yourself to attract unimagined success. Bad gossip uses stereotypes. Ugly gossip manufactures stereotypes. Good gossip improves direct communication and decreases tension. Collaboration improves problem solving, improves efficiency, boosts morale, leads to higher retention, and creates connections that can help careers. Demonstrating the ability to take positive control could break stereotypes and invite loyalty from higher ups who want the benefits of collaboration. Through real world examples and your own stories, this course equips you with the tools you need to enhance your leadership abilities. You will learn strategies for contributing to a workplace culture where rewards go up and losses go down.