September 6, 2023

Use curiosity to ask people to explain their words.


Remedy Revenge Strategy

Ending toxic words


Professional speaker and bestselling author Charmaine Hammond helps people resolve workplace conflict and have difficult conversations. Charmaine often makes specific statements.

“I can’t tell you how many thousands of times I have used these in my mediations and workplace team buildings I have been contracted to do.”

Charmaine’s conflict reducing statements include:

“I am curious what your reason for saying that was.”

“Help me understand your intent in sharing that with me.”

“I am curious why you felt the need to share something about that person with me.”

“I’d like to stop you there. I am uncomfortable having a conversation about ———- when they are not here to respond.”

Use other curiosity statements that fit each situation.

Express curiosity respectfully.

Your respect will attract support from bystanders.


© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
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