September 6, 2023

Show the gossiper how their negative stereotype
creates a positive image.


Remedy Revenge Strategy

Ending toxic words


Example #1: Stereotyping Comments About A Group

A video on LinkedIn showed a teacher with her students in a school hallway. On the wall next to the door of a classroom were four images:




High Five

Before entering the classroom, each child touched the image they wanted as a greeting from the teacher.

In response to the video, a CEO wrote this:

“She probably already had the dem shot”


I have written a number of blog posts
that point out the failings of
Democrats and feminist leaders. *

To discourage this CEO from using stereotypes in the future, I wrote this:

Are you saying that Democrats in the United States are responsible for all COVID vaccinations around the world?

World population is 7.9 billion people.

27.2% of the world population has received COVID vaccinations.

Are you saying that more than 2 billion people around the world should be grateful to U.S. Democrats for providing the lifesaving vaccine they wanted?

Think of the campaign promotions Democratic politicians could do!

Vote for us and more than 25% of the world population will be grateful to you! 

People who are grateful are willing to collaborate for the success of our country!

Grateful people create unexpected successes, so voting for Democrats could be considered an invitation to receive wonderful surprises!

Didn’t realize you were promoting a blue wave, did you?

The CEO removed his comment.


Example #2: Stereotyping Comments About An Individual

In another LinkedIn post, a commenter suggested a female professional was old and incapable of doing anything worthwhile.

To discourage the commenter from making similar comments, I pointed out what she ignored.

The professional woman in question had international influence in more than one way and had just been promoted to a new position that gave her the ability to network with influential people.

I pointed out that her influence and connections made the professional woman a worthwhile networking connection.

The commenter removed her stereotyping post.


* Blog Posts

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Has Left The Room

Congressman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has Left The Room

Feminist Leaders Category


© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
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