September 5, 2023

Invite good gossip from bystanders
with public praise for bad and ugly gossipers.


Remedy Revenge Strategy

Ending toxic words


For 9 years, I wrote frequent letters to the editor. For some reason, the newspaper editor did not like me. We never met and spoke to each other on the phone only a couple of times about my letters. Not enough for him to know me as a person.

A woman wrote a letter to the newspaper telling a lie that I said something I did not say at a public event. The event organizer knew the editor and told him it was a lie and wrote a letter for the paper saying it was a lie. The editor refused to publish the correction.

Decades later, the editor wrote an excellent book that illustrated something I write about. I publicly praised his book on one of my websites. I called the newspaper and told one of his colleagues about the website post. The editor was too ungracious to even say thank you. But if he speaks badly about me, people will wonder why he would speak badly about someone who praised him publicly.

My public praise encourages bystanders to use good gossip about me.


© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
All rights reserved.