September 17, 2023

Harmony is a task-oriented passion.

They use their time, money, and energy for gaining
inner peace.



I give no guarantees about the success of these moments of passion . Success depends on the invitee, the situation, the timing, etc. However, every moment of passion in front of bystanders is an invitation for the bystanders to support you. The support probably won’t come immediately, but it probably wouldn’t come at all without an invitation.

Sincerity is necessary for any moment of passion to be effective. Insincerity could create backlash

Fulfilling experiences can include:


artistic creating




extreme sports

rhythmic sports

horror films


anything that involves deep concentration


Harmony Time Passions

Enjoying self-fulfilling activities away from normal life

Creating imaginative experiences to enjoy with others.

Planning for new self-fulfilling experiences.


Time Moments Of Passion

Relieve them of duties so they can attend fulfilling experiences.

Create a space for them to enjoy harmony moments.

Ask what they’re planning for their next fulfilling experience.

Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.


Harmony Money Passions

Spending money on objects, people, and activities they see as satisfying

Spending money to create a more satisfying version of themselves

Buying supplies to create harmony objects


Money Moments Of Passion

Gift them with a harmony experience.

Tell them about a free fulfilling experience.

Admire their harmony object creations.

Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.


Harmony Energy Passions

Creating momentary relationships during fulfilling activities

Expressing their feelings about their fulfilling experiences

Creating objects that express their feelings of harmony


Energy Moments Of Passion

Admire their imagination.

Give them small moments of fulfilling experiences.

Acknowledge their difficulty coping with uncomfortable reality.

Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.


What They Want To Hear

“What was the best part of that experience?”


© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
All rights reserved.