High S Steadiness people are reserved and people-oriented.
They need personal feelings.
I give no guarantees about the success of these moments of dignity . Success depends on the invitee, the situation, the timing, etc. However, every moment of dignity in front of bystanders is an invitation for the bystanders to support you. The support probably won’t come immediately, but it probably wouldn’t come at all without an invitation.
Sincerity is necessary for any moment of dignity to be effective. Insincerity could create backlash.
Physical Moments Of Dignity
Stand or sit in positioning that creates a corner with some distance in between.
Give a light handshake after making personal connections.
Be patient with their slow pace.
Mental Moments Of Dignity
Provide details to explain the how of any situation.
Ask what they like and don’t like about a situation.
Respect their need to create routines for themselves.
Emotional Moments Of Dignity
Ask about their family.
Make them feel included in important activities.
Prove you listen to them so then can learn to trust you.
Stress Relief
Quiet activities
What They Want To Hear
“I appreciate your…”
© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
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