September 17, 2023

Position is a people-oriented passion.

They use their time, money, and energy for gaining
high status.



I give no guarantees about the success of these moments of passion . Success depends on the invitee, the situation, the timing, etc. However, every moment of passion in front of bystanders is an invitation for the bystanders to support you. The support probably won’t come immediately, but it probably wouldn’t come at all without an invitation.

Sincerity is necessary for any moment of passion to be effective. Insincerity could create backlash.


Position Time Passions

Planning strategies for moving up the ladder

Planning strategies for meeting people higher up the ladder

Identifying who could benefit their career.


Time Moments Of Passion

Ask about their career plans.

If you are on a different ladder, ask about their strategies.

Introduce them to people who could help their career.

Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.


Position Money Passions

Spending money in ways that could advance their career.

Using money to demonstrate their status and influence.

Buying symbols of status.


Money Moments Of Passion

Ask what they’re most proud of about their educational background.

Suggest ways they could use their money to show their status, such as making donations that draw positive attention to them.

Admire their status symbols.

Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.


Position Energy Passions

Networking for powerful connections.

Using their influence to attract followers.

Directing others according to their values.


Energy Moments Of Passion

Say how impressed you are by their connections.

If they have influenced you in a way that is positive for you, tell them that.

Tell them what values you share.

Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.


What They Want To Hear

“Congratulations on your promotion.”


© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
All rights reserved.