September 6, 2023

Walk away from people using ugly gossip.


Remedy Revenge Strategy

Ending toxic words


Example #1: Walk Away From A Business Person

One board member of a small business cooperative spoke nonstop ugly gossip. Every manager and employee hated to see him coming. One day the ugly gossip board member walked into the office where three managers were working. The board member sat down and started spitting out ugly gossip. Without saying anything, all three managers stood up and walked out of the office.

Word of how the managers effectively short-circuited the ugly gossip spread to every employee and volunteer in the business. They used the strategy whenever possible. The ugly gossip board member learned to spit out less ugly gossip. I was one of the volunteers.


Example #2: Walk Away From A Company

A company with multiple locations promoted a supervisor in one location to be manager at a different location. At his previous location, he had supervised a single department with only a few employees. At his new location, he had to manage dozens of employees. Apparently unsure about how to manage dozens of employees, he used ugly gossip. Within two months, three department supervisors walked away from their jobs and went elsewhere.


Follow Lynne Curry’s advice about protecting your future before you walk away.

“Your GM’s decision negatively impacts employee morale. Some employees may quit
because of it. Others may feel baffled and disappointed and talk negatively about your
restaurant. As a result, some of their family members and friends won’t eat at your
restaurant. Others won’t apply for jobs there. She’s created a lose/lose.

What can you do? You can shake off your disappointment, and continue to work hard at
your current job so you have a good employee track record, and can find a better job.”

“Can Our Manager Take Away a Promised Perk?”
Lynne Curry
Workplace Coach
April 5, 2021


Example #3: Walk Away From A Professor

I took a focused English course in college. The professor had a reputation for humiliating students during class with insults. The day he insulted me, I got up and walked out of the room. I stayed out so long that he sent another student looking for me. He made fewer insults after that. He never insulted me again.


© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
All rights reserved.