Take advantage of an opportunity to expose someone
who has hurt others with ugly gossip.
Remedy Revenge
Ending toxic word
Creating justice
Another Ugly Gossiper In The Same Company
Not long after the incident in Short-Circuiting Ugly Gossip Strategy #3, a coworker lied about me to get me fired. I found out about the lie when Supervisor called me to the office again. She told me a coworker had claimed that I failed to give a house resident a medication. My supposed failure had ‘endangered’ that resident. The medication was for bowel movements. Supervisor wanted me to sign a paper admitting to that failure. I refused to sign that paper because I had not failed to perform that duty. I walked out.
My coworker had set me up and the company had not investigated her claim. If the company had investigated, they would have discovered that Lying Coworker’s claim was physically impossible. Medication does not levitate. It had to be purposefully placed where Lying Coworker claimed she had found it.
Free To Create Remedy Revenge
Free from ugly gossiping Supervisor, I decided to haunt her from afar.
The following year when I knew it was time for Client to sign up for Special Olympics track again, I wrote a letter to her guardian and sent a copy to the head of the local Special Olympics committee.
In the letter, I pointed out that Client had placed 6th for softball throw, but had won silver for turbojav. Client had the silver medal in her possession, so no one could pretend she was bad at turbojav.
I told Guardian that if Client was not signed up for turbojav, to contact the head of the local Special Olympics committee to complain. Client deserved her chance to win gold in turbojav. She did not deserve to be stereotyped into competing at softball throw.
I also pointed out that I purposefully said nothing about the track event switch at the meeting to discuss my supposed troublemaking. I explained how Supervisor had stereotyped Client and said I didn’t want to listen to Supervisor thinking up a new way of stereotyping Client.
My Remedy Revenge Exposes 2 Stereotypers
I know that Guardian showed the letter to the caregiving company. I haunted Supervisor from afar by showing how she had failed Client by stereotyping her. I haunted Supervisor by making her an embarrassment to the caregiving company. Why would the company keep an employee who embarrasses them publicly?
Note that I also haunted the Special Olympics ugly gossiper who had called me a troublemaker. Two hauntings from one letter! Satisfaction!
Remedy Revenge Based On Evidence
Also note that I had evidence. Client’s award was evidence of her ability to change her behavior. Client’s silver medal was evidence of her ability to win gold. I did not write about my opinion. I wrote about evidence.
Plus, I’m certain the local Special Olympics committee took steps to prevent that kind of failure for athletes again. The committee needs donations to survive. People who care about Special Olympics aren’t going to donate to a committee that robs athletes of gold medals.
Note To People With Loved Ones In Residential Care Homes
Ask the company how they investigate claims of employee misconduct. Sample questions include:
Did you compare the layout of the desk / file cabinet / room arrangement to the claims of misconduct?
Is there a pattern of one employee making multiple claims of misconduct against other employees?
Have you asked employees to rate their supervisors for effectiveness?
Ask any other question that fits your loved one’s situation.
© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
All rights reserved.