September 17, 2023

Usefulness is a task-oriented passion.

They use their time, money, and energy for gaining
the highest return.



I give no guarantees about the success of these moments of passion. Success depends on the invitee, the situation, the timing, etc. However, every moment of passion in front of bystanders is an invitation for the bystanders to support you. The support probably won’t come immediately, but it probably wouldn’t come at all without an invitation.

Sincerity is necessary for any moment of passion to be effective. Insincerity could create backlash.


Usefulness Time Passions

Refusing to waste time with unpleasant people and objects

Creating efficiency to limit unpleasantness

Enjoying freedom from satisfying immediate wants so they can focus on other actions


Time Moments Of Passion

Be efficient when you are with Usefulness people.

Limit their exposure to what they consider unpleasant in the moment.

Satisfy their creature comforts in the moment.

Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.


Usefulness Money Passions

Buying self-preservation systems for both short-term and long term comfort

Spending only what is necessary for self-preservation

Amassing wealth for power over others and nature


Money Moments Of Passion

Protect their self-preservation systems.

Show them ways to increase their wealth.

Offer them a favored experience at a lower cost.

Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.


Usefulness Energy Passions

Looking for practical returns from other people

Dealing with emergencies by finding the most practical solutions

Finding new ways to amass wealth and comfort

Energy Moments Of Passion

Identify people a Usefulness person considers valuable, then show the Usefulness person how you are similar.

Ask them to take control in an emergency.

Go to them for a quick decision.

Anything else you can think of that fits the relationship and situation.


What They Want To Hear

“This could save you money…”


© Paula M. Kramer, 2021 to the present
All rights reserved.